Books make me happy. 

Notebooks make me happy. 

That’s why guided journals make me VERY happy: they contain the very best elements of both. =)

Today, I’m talking with Carol Pearson, author of 10 Little Rules for a Blissy Life, a guided journal to help you reflect on the real or imagined rules you’ve set for your life and decide if they’re keeping you from profound happiness. 

Carol and I talked about all the things: what it means to have a blissy life, how to create and recreate your life rules in different seasons of life and what is really means to create a life you love. 

As soon as we ended our call, I got to work in my notebooked and created my own 10 rules for a life well lived and here they are:

  1. Create beautiful morning routine rituals.
  2. Move everyday.
  3. Read and take inspired action from the books I read.
  4. Write, reflect and connect with myself.
  5. Learn something new. 
  6. Love freely. 
  7. Hold onto the good.
  8. Stay connected with those I love.
  9. Play, Smile. Laugh.
  10. Go to bed content with my ‘enoughness’ and wake up grateful.

What might your rules for living be?

Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon and Bookshop affiliate stores below. Thanks for your bookish support!

10 Little Rules for a Blissy Life (Amazon / Bookshop)

Now, it’s your turn!

What are your favorite ways to help you reflect on what matters most?

Share all of your suggestions in the comments below so I can add them to my stack, too!