If you love notebooking or journaling, then you’re in for a treat inside today’s episode.

Today, I’m chatting with Michelle Haseltine. Michelle is a lifelong notebooker (with 99 completed notebooks and counting!) and leader of the 100 Days of Notebooking Facebook Group. Her work has brought so much inspiration to my own notebooking over the years and I’m thrilled to finally have her on the podcast.

We talk about what notebooking is, how to get started, why the perfect notebook matters (and doesn’t!), how to show up to the page when time is crunched or things feel hard and much, much more. 

You can find Michelle online inside her 100 Days of Notebooking Facebook group and online on her website. If you’d like to see the journal I gushed over while recording, you can find one here.

After you listen, I’d love to know what you think. Share your comments and questions about notebooking below!