I love meeting people who embody the kind of life I want to live and have mastered the habits and mindsets that I’m trying to grow. 

Today’s guest is my ultimate guide for bringing joyful, mindful journaling into my daily life. Becca Rae Eagle is an educator, podcast host, author and writing doula here to talk about joyful journaling and her 60-Day One-Word Journaling project.

Like me, Becca enjoys one-word themes to help her focus and get intentional on the page. I know I’ll be trying her technique and journaling to some of the words in her challenge like renew, play, listen and transform. 

She drops SO MANY bits of journaling wisdom for us to learn from and embodies an energy and passion for journaling that cannot be matched.

After you listen, I’d love to hear from you: What do you think of Becca’s one-word journaling project? What words are sparking something for you right now?

Share them in the comments below!