Today, I’m sharing a new journaling technique that I’m trying in my notebook: a journal tip-in. It’s a fun way to add function AND beauty to your notebook and I wish I tried it sooner. 

I talk about what tip-ins are, how they can serve our notebooks and how we can create one. Then, I’ll get personal and talk about how I’m currently experimenting with tip-ins in my own stack of notebooks and ask for special requests, too. 

Here are the resources mentioned in the episode:

Episode 37: My 2023 Notebook Stack

Episode 50: Find Your Journaling Path with Christie Zimmer

Episode 70: Our Reading Rules with Christie Zimmer

Episode 77: Joyful Junk Journaling with Jenn Begin

Here’s my favorite washi tape!

Junk Journal with me inside my Get Lit(erate). Patreon community!

Here are the tip-ins I am currently experimenting with. 

I’m not yet convinced these are more functional than my sticky notes, but they sure are pretty and fun to look at when they fold out!

Now, it’s your turn!

What are your favorite tip-ins and what tip-in requests do you have? I’m ready to create!