This summer, I’ve set a goal to really lean into my writing life. I want to write more regularly, tackle some writing projects, write outside the box and boost my writing communities, too. 

So, I’ve joined two very different writing groups and have been reflecting on what I like about each, what I’ve learned about the process and what really works for me. 

Surprisingly, I’ve realized how much I like writing to a prompt…tiny clips of song lyrics, to be exact. These nuggets of inspiration are shockingly helpful in showing up to the page and this got me thinking: book quotes can do the same. 

I LOVE collecting compelling quotes from the books I read. I have multiple quote notebooks, a Google Doc collection and even digital Keep notes and a Padlet wall full of them. 

Today, I am bringing you five book quotes that are sure to send you straight to your notebook. I’ll share the quote, the book it’s from and what it might spark for you. This just might be my favorite episode yet!

Here’s the printable with all 5 book quotes ready to write from. Just pop in your email address and download it instantly!

Here are the writing groups I mentioned in the episode:

Firefly Creative Writing

Jennifer Arnspiger’s Body Writers

And guess what?

I’ve been so inspired by my own writing circles, I’ve decided to host a few inside my Get Lit(erate) Patreon community! We’ll notebook together on an inspirational book quote, share our writing, debrief the process and connect together as writers. Come join us!