I’ve been choosing one word themes to guide my year for many, many years.

Until 2020.

My chosen one word no longer applied to the way the world was working. 

So, I changed it. And I changed it again and again as the world changed and I changed along with it. 

I haven’t looked back.

Now, I create monthly themes to guide my daily living and those themes seep into my reading life, too. 

Today, I’m sharing three books that embody my new theme of the month: gathering. You’ll hear about one touchstone text on the topic, one cookbook that reads more like an entertaining memoir and one fiction book that’s sure to touch your heart.

Here are the books mentioned in this episode. You’ll find links to my Amazon or Bookshop affiliate stores. Thanks for your bookish support!

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker (Amazon / Bookshop / Libro.fm)

Feed These People: Slam-Dunk Recipes for Your Crew by Jen Hatmaker (Amazon / Bookshop)

All the Lonely People by Mike Gayle (Amazon / Bookshop / Libro.fm)

Rules for Visiting by Jessica Francis Kane (Amazon / Bookshop / Libro.fm)

Now, it’s your turn. What books do you recommend on the theme of gathering? 

Share your titles and ideas in the comments below!