I love, love, love the Fall vibes going on this week. The leaves are turning, the air is cooler, pumpkin spice is everywhere and my warm socks are out. =)

This week, I’ve got one FANTASTIC book to share, a writing prompt full of freedom, a wonderful short film and a whole lot of links from my online browsing, too. 

What I'm Reading:

It may look like I only read one book….but I did read a few more than that. I just cannot share them since they’ll be on the podcast soon and I do not want to spoil them! So, here’s a book I can share now that I LOVED.

The Messy Lives of Book People by Phaedra Patrick

Read this book when you’re feeling stuck. Read this book when you’re not sure what’s next. Read this book when you’re working to find out who you really are. Read this book to make that dream of writing a bit bigger…and reachable. This book is for everyone who needs a reminder of what’s deep inside and how a bit of courage can bring those gifts out. Liv is barely making ends meet with her cleaning job and her family seems to be drifting further and further apart. But an unlikely connection with her favorite writer sets her on a path to self-discovery that will change everything. I couldn’t put this book down. 

What I'm Writing:

The Isolation Journals posted an intriguing piece on perfection that beautifully shifts our thinking. Here was the prompt I took to my notebook:

Make your own list of “how to be perfect.” Include things you’ve done—or seen others do—to guard against the unpredictability of life. Allow space for everything: for whimsy, for absurdity, for fear and hope and joy, and especially for imperfection.

Doing this made me see perfection is not what I thought it to be…and that was freeing.

What I'm Learning:

The best part about having a child in college is getting to see what they’re reading and learned and my son’s Freshman Seminar is based on….superheroes!

It’s the perfect fit for him and I’ve loved learning alongside him as she shares the tidbits he knows I’d be interested in. This is one of them:

I had no idea there was a fairly new short film created by Sanjay Patel and based on his childhood traditions. 


I recommend you watch and see what connections you can make to the young people in your own life. 

There are ALWAYS ways to make connections. 

What I'm Loving:

Well, this app is going to be a new favorite: an app where authors read their books online. You MUST take a look, especially if you are a teacher! The backstory is so inspiring. 

Space and Quiet shared their BEAUTIFUL printable calendars. These will be mine for 2023.

Are you a fan of Netflix?  Here’s a list of books that will soon become shows on Netflix. Be sure to read them first! I cannot wait to see Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson on my screen!

These maps are so cool….because they are based on books!

There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?