The unthinkable happened this week: I didn’t know what to read next.

Can you believe it?!

I read a book so powerful that I needed some space to sit with it for a while before I picked up another.

Instead, I tried a new journaling technique I really think I love and gathered SO MANY links to share with you. 

What I'm Reading:

Well, I can only share one book this week since I could not bring myself to pick up another one and leave three particular characters behind. Has that ever happened to you? Here’s the book I cannot forget. It’s changing everything for me:

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

This book was everything I expected, wanted, needed and more. In it, we meet Elizabeth Zott, a woman with a formidable presence and spirit. She’s a chemist and approaches everything in life through that lens: work, relationships, family, cooking and even how the world works. I left this book a different person than when I began. Elizabeth, Calvin and Mad each taught me something different: that life is precious, that our voice matters, that it’s never too late. This book will stay with me for a long while. Don’t wait to read it. 

What I'm Writing:

I’ve been exploring a new journaling technique I learned from Jenna Kutcher, author of How Are You, Really. She was completing Alex Banayan’s 30-day Journaling Challenge and once I heard about it, I was all in. 

It’s simple. Each day, journal about three things:

  1. What filled me with enthusiasm today?
  2. What drained me of energy today?
  3. What did I learn about myself today?

Take pen to paper (no digital writing here!) for 30 days and see what you learn. I’m on day 3 and I think I’ll stick with this. 

What I'm Learning:

Reading Lessons in Chemistry, along with learning from Cathy Heller, took me on a wild ride of learning this week, especially around the idea of energetics.

Did you know that we can create chemical reactions in our bodies with only our thoughts?!

Yes, we can!

Every stressed or anxious thought causes cortisol and inflammation. Every happy, calm and gratitude-filled through pushed out dopamine and serotonin instead.

Mind. Blown.

I’ll still be thinking about this next week, too.

What I'm Loving:

I love BOOing kids in my neighborhood during the Halloween season. Even my kids love to get in on the fun and come up with ideas to fill the bags with. Happiness is Homemade has created these adorable BOO signs and door hangers to make BOOing friends and family easy!

The October Tombow wallpaper is here and it’s adorable. Download yours today!

Sweet potato cookies? Yes, please. 

Want to know how to make your home cozier this season? Mari Kondo has 7 ideas to share.

These calendars are SO PRETTY! I’m printing a few.

I need to add this bookish ornament to my Christmas tree. Plus, it will match my mug. =)

Do you need a pretty October wallpaper? Here is a calming one from 1canoe2.

There you have it! I hope this inspires you to make space for more reading and writing in your own life. What are the highlights from your literate life this week?